Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Gandhi was a what?

What do you understand when you hear the word pacifist? .... without looking up the dictionary...

A pacifist is a person who

A) Prays for world peace/attends peace concerts
B) Seeks to avoid confrontation as a way to resolve conflicts
C) May be a confrontationist, but rejects violence

Thanks to everyone who took the poll while it was on. I had to remove it since it caused some other technical problems. If you picked one of the first two choices, did Gandhi meet your definition of a pacifist? My understanding is that Gandhi was ready to pick a fight before you could say "snap poll", and regularly encouraged unpleasant confrontations. He just didn't care for violence.

I guess a pacifist is someone who is in favor of peace, but peace is not well defined. Some say it is simply the absence of war and some others seek a more stringent definition. The kind folks who last edited the Wikipedia page on Peace say

Peace is commonly understood to mean the absence of hostilities. Other definitions include freedom from disputes, harmonious relations and the absence of mental stress or anxiety, as the meaning of the word changes with context.
With this latter definition, MG was not a pacifist, but he was by the former definition.