Wednesday, July 26, 2006



It's about time a movement started to address the issue of "eve teasing" (a euphemism for public sexual harassment) in India. Go, Blank Noise Project!

This latent threat of violence hurts Indian women's rights more than the anything they face from anyone who thinks women should occupy a lower place. The latter, you can stand up to. The former is a physical threat and greatly restricts your movements in many places and at many times.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Where's the proof at, my friend?

1. "The proof is in the pudding."

2. "I'll be with you momentarily."

Statement 1 is a novel way to prove theorems. That's right, you'll find it down there with the sugar, all mixed in. Statement 2 is what you say when you have to meet somebody really unpleasant.