Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I am an unbeliever and an agnostic, but not an atheist?

When Amanda says that she doesn't believe in a god, or in God, she is almost always challenged with "How do you know that God does not exist?". But of course, she never did say that God does not exist. The distinction is hardly subtle. Those that don't understand, please just sit down and think hard enough and you will understand :-).

The organization American Atheists (AA) holds that "atheist" may be defined as a person who simply does not believe in God. However, a lot of people don't associate that meaning for the word, and instead, think of a smaller subset - the no-God believers. Dictionaries differ in their definition of atheism. So, my friend Balaji suggests that since the word "atheist" is already taken, Amanda should call herself an unbeliever.

"Ah, an agnostic!", you say. But no, agnosticism has nothing to do with whether you believe in God. It has everything to do with whether you think God is a knowable entity or not.

Check out this most outstanding website to read about atheism and this one to read about agnosticism. This person likes the the not-a-theist definition of atheism and uses words like "strong atheism", "weak atheism". Think what you will of such nomenclature.

So, is Amanda the unbeliever simply running away from the issue? Not necessarily. She might hold the opinion that she will not hold a belief until she finds enough supporting evidence. What's the goddamn hurry to take a stance, anyway?


Blogger Lone Ranger said...

I think I'll stop believing in gravity. I'll save SO much money if I don't have to drive to work.

Wed May 04, 06:55:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The one site you link to has all these dictionaries and other references that define atheism as "not believing in any gods," not "believing in the non-existence of God."

Thu May 05, 03:47:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sending you some holy water from Lourdes. Whilst facing the South Pole, let exactly three drops fall on your LEFT temple, simultaneously standing only on your right foot. DO NOT CROSS YOUR EYES! Remember what your mama told you.
Thus you will see the BVM manifest herself.

Fri Jun 17, 04:02:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was 4 a.m. in the earthquake-prone West ... not so in Ithaca the Grey.

Fri Jun 17, 04:03:00 AM PDT  

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